Laboratory Driven Information

The laboratory has emerged as a cornerstone of national healthcare systems. The increasingly critical role of the laboratory in the protection and promotion of the public's health is being driven by a combination of innovation in diagnostics and digital health.

Laboratory Business Functions

LWEHS has deep expertise in the area of laboratory informatics that it leverages to capture and leverage data from simple diagnostics such as light microscopy to complex genomic tests. LWEHS works with laboratories to understand their priorities and level of maturity across key laboratory business functions and then collaboratively works with its public health partners to collaboratively develop a work plan to advance capability in the areas of import to each specific partner. Specifically, LWEHS works to develop detailed work flows and data flows that optimally leverage laboratory data to support clinical and public health activities.

  • Test request management
  • Sample collection, management, tracking, and chain of custody
  • Testing scheduling
  • Report development and distributionv
  • Sample chain of custody
  • Reagent development
  • Inventory management
  • Business functions including billing and contract management
  • Surveillance services support
  • Clinical services support
  • Training
  • Customer services
  • Quality assurance and control
  • Laboratory safety
  • Laboratory data standardization and exchange
  • Laboratory certification

LWEHS has the expertise to assess the needs of the single lab across all health jurisdictions from the community level to the national level and works with these laboratories to design and build a laboratory data system configured for its needs

Laboratory Networks: An Information Nervous System

Robust healthcare systems require an effective network of data exchange to understand disease trends and to effectively intervene at all levels of the healthcare system. LWEHS has leverages the most up to date recommendations for data standards and data exchange protocols to help ensure that each health jurisdiction can communicate with its partners at the national level and international level while ensuring patient privacy and respecting national data jurisdictions.

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